Recipes & Menus

Get practical tips and menu inspiration from award winning school cooks and schools with a great food culture. Explore tasty, nutritious recipes & menus that conform to the new school food standards.

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Green pea pate

After School Club. This recipe has been checked against the School Food Standards and the ingredients are aligned to the Government Buying Standards for Food & Catering Services...

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Salmon fish pie

Main meal - oily fish. This recipe has been checked against the School Food Standards and the ingredients are aligned to the Government Buying Standards for Food & Catering Services...

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Leek and Potato Soup

This hearty and comforting soup is the perfect thing to tuck into on those colder days. This recipe is one of the winners from the snack shack at Washingborough Academy...

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Minty Yoghurt Dip

Have children make dips for simple veggies. They’re much tastier than the shop-bought alternatives and you know exactly what’s gone into them. It makes eating veggies all the more exciting...

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