Responsible sourcing
Great examples from other schools of how they’ve improved the sourcing of their food to be more sustainable, local and seasonable. Want to get going? Use the links on the right to get help from expert organisations.
Great examples from other schools of how they’ve improved the sourcing of their food to be more sustainable, local and seasonable. Want to get going? Use the links on the right to get help from expert organisations.
This guidance document illustrates how food which complies with 12 popular food assurance schemes meets specific criteria of the Plan for Public Procurement Balanced Scorecard...
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An interview with a head teacher who has lead a radical change to improve her school's food culture -with a strong focus on a practical...
Read moreFood For Thought previously promoted the daily vegetarian option as the most sustainable, but felt Meat Free Monday offered a better way for children to understand the importance of...
Read morePreston Manor focused on a non-judgmental environmental approach when introducing MFM. Due to a very enthusiastic catering team, good sales pitch, strong student voice and a professional...
Read moreSchools & caterers are encouraged to use the Government Buying Standards for Food & Catering Services Nutrition Criteria (GBSF) alongside the School Food Standards to help reduce salt, saturated fat and sugar in children's diets.
Read moreA practical guide for schools, their cooks and caterers, including advice on implementing the standards; portion sizes & food groups; top tips; standards for school food other than lunch...
Read moreWhy sustainable food - a brief guide
www.schoolfoodmatters.comInteractive British seasonal fruit & veg calendar about sustainable fish
www.fishandkids.orgFish to avoid and fish to eat
www.mcsuk.orgSoil Association's Food for Life Catering Mark
www.sacert.orgGovernment Buying Standards Marque food assurance